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Is our Mind Set? Scarcity or Abundance

Have you noticed how some people always seem to find opportunities everywhere, while others are constantly worried there’s never enough to go around?  Have you ever wondered what created such a difference? Well, it usually boils down to their mindset, and specifically whether they operate from a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset.

These two ways of thinking don’t just impact our attitude; they shape our entire approach to life, from our career to our relationships and even our happiness.


What is the Scarcity Mindset?

When we perceive the world through the lens of limitation, we believe that resources like time, money, love, success, happiness etc are limited and that if someone else gains something, it reduces what is available for us. For example, if someone else has a promotion at work, we may feel as if we lost that chance of promotion ourselves and become flooded with jealousy and resentment.  It makes sense that if we believe resources are scarce, someone else getting those resources will be perceived as a threat to us and activate our fight or flight response. This way of thinking triggers stress and fear because we are constantly worried about running out or missing out. It is like living in survival mode.


How does the Scarcity Mindset manifest?

We become narrow-minded: When we are stuck in scarcity, we tend to focus on immediate needs rather than long-term goals. For example, we may be so busy worrying about this month’s income or whether our relationship with our partner is at risk that it becomes hard for us to plan for the future.

We let fear motivate us: With scarcity comes fear—fear of losing, fear of failing, fear of not being good enough. This can keep us from taking risks or trying new things because we are scared of what we might lose rather than focusing on what we could gain.  As a result, we may remain stuck in unsatisfying jobs or relationships, or refuse to share knowledge or resources because of the fear of "not having enough."

We make constant comparisons, which leads to envy, jealousy of a fear of missing out.  It fosters hyper-competition rather than collaboration, which erodes trust and connection. We may find ourselves comparing our life, our career, or our appearance to others, and that comparison can drain our self-confidence and happiness.  Visiting social media sites can encourage this comparison and reinforce this mindset.

We become Hoarders: The belief that there is not enough to go around leads to hoarding of resources like money, things, knowledge, time, etc., to give us a false sense of control in the light of this perceived unpredictability.  For example, we might hold on to a job we hate because we fear there won’t be another opportunity or we may accumulate objects in our house, leading to a cluttered space … and mind.



What is the Abundance Mindset?

An abundance mindset is about believing there is enough for everyone to go around, and that the world is full of opportunities. Someone else’s success doesn’t take away from ours. With an abundance mindset, we approach life with the belief that we can create our own opportunities and that growth is always possible.

This way of thinking helps us see beyond immediate stress and limitations, opening up space for long-term vision, creativity, and collaboration. An abundance mindset activates the more evolved parts of our brain that handle problem-solving and emotional regulation, so we become better equipped to deal with challenges.


How does an abundance mindset work in our favour?

Growth mindset:

The concept of an abundance mindset aligns closely with the concept of a growth mindset, with the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort and learning. The brain’s ability to rewire and grow through experiences (neuroplasticity) also supports this idea. In essence, the more we focus on possibilities and solutions, the more our brain strengthens the neural pathways that support creativity, innovation, resilience and a sense of agency.

Optimism and possibilities:

When we believe in abundance, we tend to focus on solutions, not problems. Instead of thinking, “I can’t,” we start thinking, “How can I?” To the phrase “This was a terrible experience” we could add “and what have I learned from it?” This opens new ways of tackling challenges and makes us more resilient. 

Intrinsic Motivation:

An abundance mindset is driven by intrinsic motivation, i.e. the desire to grow, learn, and contribute, rather than a fear of missing out. We are motivated by purpose rather than fear. Without the fear that there is not enough to go around, we are more likely to seize opportunities that come our way. For example, we might go for a promotion or invest in a new skill, because we believe there is always room to grow, even if we fail at first.  In fact, failure can be embraced as a part of the process of learning.

Social Connection and Collaboration:

The abundance mindset enhances social connections by encouraging collaboration and trust. Us humans are hardwired for cooperation. When we perceive resources as plentiful, we are more willing to share, collaborate, and build community, reinforcing bonds that benefit us as individuals but also the group. In contrast with competition which isolates (and there is growing evidence that isolation is closely linked with depression), collaboration builds greater success for everyone involved.


What practices can help us shift from Scarcity to Abundance?

Although the mindset that we have adopted throughout our life can be deeply ingrained, shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance one is possible with intentional effort.

So, how can we rewire our brain’s automatic responses to a more abundant approach?

Practice gratitude: Gratitude helps us focus on what is present rather than what is lacking. Over time, this trains the brain to notice abundance in everyday life. Writing down three things we are grateful for every day or taking a few minutes in the morning to reflect on what’s going well is a good place to start.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices help us become more aware of our thoughts and emotions without reacting impulsively. When we notice feelings of scarcity or fear, mindfulness can provide the space to pause, reflect, and choose a more abundant response. Over time, this practice enhances emotional regulation and reduces stress.

Reframe our thinking: Reframing involves recognising our catastrophising or black and white thoughts, and consciously shifting them. For example, instead of thinking, “There’s not enough time,” we can reframe it as, “How can I use my time effectively?” This helps retrain our brain to see solutions instead of limitations.

Surround ourselves with abundant thinkers: The people we spend time with influence our mindset more than we may think. Surrounding ourself with people who embrace abundance can have a powerful influence on our own mindset. Social connections with people who value generosity, collaboration and growth can help shift our mindset.

Focus on Growth and Contribution: We need to embrace the idea that life is about growth and improvement, not just reaching a specific goal. When we focus on what we are learning rather than what we are achieving, failure doesn’t feel as scary because it becomes part of the process. This will promote a deeper sense of purpose and abundance.


Conclusion: Unlocking our potential

The difference between the scarcity mindset and the abundance mindset is profound, our mindset not only shapes our thoughts but also our emotions, behaviours, and life outcomes. The scarcity mindset keeps us locked in fear, limitation and stress, while the abundance mindset opens the door to growth, possibility, and fulfilment.

We have the power to choose how we see the world. With a bit of practice and some intentional changes, we can shift from scarcity to abundance, which may make things possible that were seemingly not possible before.

Yes, life is full of possibilities.

We just need to start seeing them!

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